The Top 5 DON’TS – How to Score Leads With Revaluate

Look, no one likes getting shot down especially while trying to woo a real estate prospect or worse, in a listing presentation. Revaluate customers use our data to score leads, so they can focus on better prospects. They have lots of experience leveraging our data to score leads that are likely movers. Over the years they’ve shared that experience with us. So we thought we would share the top 5 lessons learned, and be your wing man / wing woman. Don’t do what our clients did that didn’t work out well. Learn from their mistakes.

The Wrong Pickup Line

When you get a prospect with a high Revaluate Score (80+) Most agents want to call them quickly! That’s cool – but the script is not exactly typical. DO NOT call them and say “My Revaluate AI Says you are likely to move…. Are You?” As you might imagine, this terrifies prospects. This has been tested by our clients, and they report that with nearly 100% failure, they will not respond positively. You are not a teenager – take a moment and plan out your pickup line. Make it relevant and simple. “I know you are not moving next week, but what is one thing you would change about your neighborhood or home?” This disarms them, and sets you up for success… later.

It’s Not You, It’s Me

Revaluate identifies likely movers in the next 6+ months. Hopefully, they are not yet working with an agent, nor have they made a plan. This is good news for you. Therefore, DO NOT expect ROI in month number three. Your job is hard. We know it’s not easy to sell a house. Starting a conversation, getting a a listing appointment, signing a commitment, A month of prep work, a month on the market and a month for closing… This takes time. Revaluate is not for those who want a scratcher lottery ticket. Plant your seeds now, to prepare for harvest later.

Red Solo Cup

Don’t try to do this alone. A cup is fine, but it’s far better and more interesting when it has ice, and a beverage and one of those fancy toothpicks with fruit on it. Combine Revaluate data with the tools you use that work well. Love Facebook? Cool – spend time on FB but focus on your Revaluate Likely Movers to increase your productivity. Love Pop By’s? Cool – do more or increase the value of the gift by reducing the size of your list with Revaluate Very Likely Movers. Don’t do it Solo.

Kiss And Tell

DONT KISS on the First date. You cant “booty call” to a farm contact you’ve never met. Frankly, you ought not do this with prior contacts either. Build rapport. Deepen the relationship prior to asking to help them move.

Friends with Benefits

Don’t assume every contact is equal. Your relationship with an old friend or previous client is far different than the contacts that are in your farm. Some people call these the “have not mets” DONT FORGET: Tag, rank, and segment your contacts in your CRM. Understand that the better the relationship, the easier to convert. Your ROI with your SOI is going to be higher than with your farm.

Bonus Tip:

Don’t cold call a random list. Just Don’t. Your time is worth more than that. (and it’s illegal some places) Leverage Revaluate to score leads and focus your efforts. It works. We were just rated 5 stars by Inman. Schedule a time with our Data Nerds to help you become more efficient.

Chris Drayer

CoFounder of Revaluate. FireStarter, Real Estate geek, tech junkie. Where we're going, we don't need roads.

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