Home Seller Leads: Pent Up Demand is Building

In most markets nationwide, demand for homes is lower than we’d like to see, causing fewer home seller leads.

We know there is a lack of home seller leads because the pricing and inventory data shows it. Unlike the last several years, Inventory is rising and price cuts are becoming commonplace. In the most simple terms, supply is up and the cost is too high for most home buyers – so home sellers reduce the price to unload the home.

Inventory Increase

Inventory is way up. Currently, there are 578k homes on the market nationwide. For comparison, thats 34% more than this week last year.
For greater perspective, thats still 100k fewer homes on the market this week than in the same week pre pandemic, but greater than at any point since the pandemic – so thats good news. It’s good for buyers and the supply helps pull more buyers into the market. But thats only part of the equation. Prices must be under control to get them to be able to pull the trigger. (be able: to make up for the high interest rate)

Price Reductions are Prevalent

Price Reductions are up. Way up. 34.4% of active listings have had a price cut nationwide recently. The State of Florida seems to be the epicenter of price reductions.
There are more homes on the ma

Home prices have plateaued for the country. This is the time of year that we always see the peak. Currently, that peak for the year is$450k. This is the same as in 2022 and 2023.

Home Seller Lead Demand

While current demand is low – due to cost issues, pent up demand is increasing. Life events cause people to move – and when rates are high, only those people that HAVE to move, move. Those that cant move due to cost, despite having the desire fall into the pent up demand category.
As buyer leads and seller leads are reduced in volume, the price of those leads continues to climb. Zillow is now charging 35-40% of commission on closed deals for buyer leads. Worse yet, they have strict rules about who is able to buy them.
Enter your own database and Revaluate. Revaluate can be used as a stand alone lead gen system, but also integrates with top CRM’s including Lofty, FollowUpBoss, Sierra, Happy Grasshopper and WiseAgent (and more).
Revaluate finds home seller leads inside your existing database by looking for life event triggers. The things that cause people to move (Death, Divorce, Diapers, Diamonds, Diplomas….) Life events cause people to move DESPITE high interest rates.
More importantly, because Revaluate identifies sellers BEFORE they become a lead, you can capture their attention at a much lower price than 35-40% of a commission.

With Revaluate it’s Your Data, your deal, your commission.
Schedule a free database grade and audit to learn more.

Chris Drayer

CoFounder of Revaluate. FireStarter, Real Estate geek, tech junkie. Where we're going, we don't need roads.

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