How to Join The Lead Generation Clubhouse

It is no secret that the coronavirus pandemic has had major effects on the real estate and mortgage industry, especially lead generation: traditional open houses have become less and less frequent, showings have had to adapt to the contactless model, and networking with industry leaders and fellow colleagues has taken a major hit. Sure, there are social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram that help to facilitate more interaction but it doesn’t make up for the loss of reciprocity one would obtain at any number of the events that used to populate our calendars.

Thankfully for us and the highly adaptable tech space of the 21st century, developers have brought forth an app that connects us all in real time: Clubhouse. And Clubhouse may be the game changing lead gen tool you’ve been missing.

If you haven’t heard about this fantastic app, Clubhouse allows its exclusive users to join conversations in real time with any number of experts and practitioners in fields such as politics, gaming, and, you guessed it, real estate and mortgage.

As someone who is relatively new to the industry, Clubhouse has provided me with the opportunity to connect with people around the country. The amount of wisdom that comes in experience cannot be overstated and I have benefited greatly from those willing to share it.

One thing that does irk me about Clubhouse, however, is the inability to reach out directly to people via text. I get it: it is an app made specifically for communicating by voice chat, but sometimes that just isn’t possible! If you connect with someone or want to hear more from an individual after a session, but you are unable to catch them online again, it makes it much more difficult to find them again. It is a minor complaint, but a complaint nonetheless.

Currently, this club is very limited. For starters, the app is only available on Apple products. Secondly, it’s only by invite at this time. However, you can “save your spot” in line by downloading and signing up via the App Store.

Now is probably a good time to mention we are in no way affiliated with Clubhouse and are not recipients of any types of compensation for this writing (although if you find us Clubhouse, I will give you my venmo and you can share some of your sweet VC money). 

What makes this app so great? Well, it offers agents, brokers, LO’s, title reps, coaches, influencers, and any other industry professionals the opportunity to constantly be speaking with or hearing from the people that know their respective areas best. Whether it be CRM masterminds, social media marketing tips, or best practices for losing according to the Pittsburgh Steelers, there is truly a meeting for everyone.

Now, with a tool like this that seems to have thrived on our quarantine style of life, it remains to be seen if this will be a long lasting social medium or if it will simply fade away once we return to normalcy (whatever that is). It’s like my boss always says though…you gotta make hay while the sun shines. 

Since the Sun is high and bright in the sky, Revaluate is ready to invite you all to our first clubhouse session, hosted by Vice President of Business Development and Strategic Partnerships Ryan Dendievel (@notoriousrtd on Clubhouse) and yours truly Ian Coggins (@apostleian on Clubhouse) of course. In this session titled Database Monetization: AI and Automation in Real Estate, both Ryan and myself and a SPECIAL GUEST want to share some of the best practices in implementing predictive analytics to leverage your database and generate opportunities from your existing sphere of influence. Most importantly, though, we want to have an open forum for our colleagues to share among friends some of their best practices because at the end of the day, we are in this together.

You can find a link to our session here or you can reach out to us directly with any questions.

Stay healthy and stay safe, we can’t wait to talk with you Wednesday at 4:00 pm MST!

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1 Response

  1. Scott says:

    Looking forward to the session on clubhouse! Thank you so much. Great information!

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