5 Easy Steps to Convert Online Leads

Gabe Cordova, president at Firepoint Solutions CRM, joined us at the Revaluate NAR nugget stage to talk about the 5 steps we need to be implemented for successful and effective online lead conversion.
The conversation often seems to be concentrated on leads but what do you do after getting a lead? How do you convert them successfully?

As a broker/team lead for the last 15 years, Gabe shares how the majority of their income came from converting online leads, primarily PPC.
How did they do it?

5 Easy Steps to Convert Online Leads:

1. Call Immediately

Before you pick up the phone though, check your CRM for some background info; what do they look at, how many times have they visited, the area they’re looking at, price range… That’s very valuable info to know before getting on that phone.

Make sure to avoid this mistake: 
If you’re about to call Bob, don’t start your call with “Hello! is this Bob?”
If the voice matches the name, go right into that call understanding that that’s most probably Bob. “Hello Bob, this is … from …”

What if Bob doesn’t answer and you get his voicemail? What do you do?


DO notice the voicemail message and note if it’s the right person. ie “Hi, this is Bob, I can’t come to the phone right now…”

2. Send a follow-up text

You need to send a follow-up text, but you need to do it the right way. What’s that? 3 words: “Is this Bob?” No more, no less.

Changing this step will change your lead conversion.
If you got the right number, this short text will most likely result in a “yes, who is this?” They just gave you the invitation to give them more information.
Keep in mind: don’t overwhelm them with info, keep it short and sweet. “Hi this is … with xyz realty. You’ve inquired on my website about (whatever property they looked at)”

3. Create a saved search for every lead

Look at the homes they checked out on your site and create a list of similar properties (price, area, size). Get those saved searches going out DAILY. Why do that?

The lead came to your site looking for pretty pictures of pretty homes.
What’s going to get them to come back? Pretty pictures of pretty homes.
If you got them on the phone, narrow down your search based on your conversation. If you didn’t, widen the parameters.

4. Follow up email. 

This step works whether you got them on the phone or not. Specifically, if you didn’t, this email needs to be concise and specific.

Bonus point: make it a video email.
You haven’t incorporated video emails in your business? You need to do so NOW!
Open rates are 300% higher, and 70% fewer unsubscribes.

At this point, your email doesn’t need to be introductory. You’ve already taken some steps and did some work, so skip the intro and dive right in.

” Hi Bob, this is … from xyz realty. I’ve noticed you’re looking at homes in this area. I’ve started sending you some listings. Please let me know what you think and if I can make any adjustments to really narrow that down to what you’re looking for. All my contact info is listed below. I look forward to hearing from you.”

This is a 15 to 20 seconds embedded video letting them know that you’ve already started the process for them.

If you’re not using video email, you can always put that in writing as well.

5. No lead left behind

You have to have a follow-up plan in place.
Set a task in your CRM for whatever the next steps are going to be otherwise you’re going to forget.



Gabe Cordova
Firepoint Solutions

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